
Thornbury u3a

Garden Visits Group

Status:Active, open to new members
Lyn Haigh Tel: 228637
Deputy Leader:
GVG Membership Tel: 419977
Group email: Garden Visits group

The deadline for applying for the second group of visits is Saturday, 8th June. Application forms can be downloaded by clicking the links below.

The 2024 programme giving full details of the ten visits scheduled across the summer will be posted to GVG members mid-March. The deadline for applying for the first five trips is Friday, 5th April. Any places remaining after the initial ballot will be notified via email.

For subscription and membership enquiries, please email Rosie Bailey by phone or by using the Membership link above.

Garden Visits AI

You can contact Group Leader Lyn Haigh by phone or email by using the Group email link above.
