
Thornbury u3a

Group Leaders

The u3a is mainly a collection of interest groups. These groups couldn't exist without Group Leaders. This page contains links to the information you will need as a Group Leader. Whether you are thinking of starting a new group, running and existing one, or taking over as group leader, you should be able to find what you need here.

The first point of contact for any overall Group queries is the Group Coordinator, Helen Moszoro ... email Group Coordinator .

The "Guidelines for Group Leaders" document contains most of the information you will need and you can download it by clicking the link below.

As per the previous Site Builder website the intention is for every group leader to be able to author/edit their own Thornbury u3a Group webpage & events etc. Even without referring to any notes it is possible for complete newcomers to editing their group webpage to be able to accomplish that. But to make life easier then just download the Siteworks For Authors Training Guide using the link below, and let me know when you need assistance with being set up with access credentials. Please advise which Group/s you would like access to.
When ready contact Web Manager

The u3a Beacon system is now an important resource for keeping track of your group members and keeping in contact with them. Please see the top level BEACON tab on this site for more details. You can log in to Beacon via this link ... Beacon Login. You can get a login by emailing Beacon Adminstrator

There is a pool of equipment available for groups to use. You can see it via the link below or contact the coordinator Equipment Coordinator

Information about the larger venues available for use by Thornbury u3a groups is summarised in the link below this page. An up-to-date timetable of group activities can be found at the end of the latest newsletter on the News page of this web site.
