
Thornbury u3a


Status:Active, open to new members
Group email: Ukulele group
When: Weekly on Thursday afternoons
the beginners group runs from 2pm - 3pm then a general ukulele jam will run from 3pm - 4pm
Venue: The Wheatsheaf

The beginners group will run from 2-3pm and the general ukulele jam will run from 3-4pm.

The venue will be at The Wheatsheaf, Chapel St, Thornbury

All levels are welcome starting this coming Thursday 11th January 2024.

If beginners do not have a ukulele come along anyway, and there will be a ukulele to try.

I ran an Absolute Beginners group in another U3A, and in just one term they have shed their beginners status and become ukulele players.

The cost is £1 contribution for the music sheets, and I am sure the Wheatsheaf would appreciate participants buying a drink at the bar.

Ukelele Jam

Group leader: Jojo Byron. Email enquiries using the link above