
Thornbury u3a

Recorders 1

Status:Active, open to new members
Mandy Clapp Tel: 414749
When: Weekly on Monday mornings
we usually meet on Monday mornings every week at 10.30am until 11.30
Venue: Leader's Home

There are two Recorder groups which meet on Monday mornings at the homes of the Leaders.

This is group 1

We usually meet on Monday mornings every week at 10.30am until 11.30 in my house. It’s a good way to start the week!

Originally the group started because of demand to play or learn to play the recorder.

Our very first practice was on January 10th 2005! Some people had played a bit at primary school, and the rest did not read music and had never even held a recorder. So for them it was like learning Russian, but they persevered. We now play music in 4 parts (descant, treble, tenor and Bass).

We are not able to take on absolute beginners but in the last few years we have had several people join the group who have played before.

From time to time we get together to play with Kate P-M and group 2, just socially and for fun. Usually at the Chantry.

If you are interested please ring Mandy for more information.

Contact: Recorders Group 1 Leader: Mandy Clapp by phone