
Thornbury u3a

Mah Jong - Monday

Status:Active, open to new members
Jane Climpson Tel: 228672
Group email: Mah Jong - Monday group
When: Fortnightly on Monday afternoons
on Second and Fourth Monday each month from 2pm to 4.00
Venue: Contact the Group Leader

We meet on 2nd and 4th Monday afternoons from 2.00 to 4.00pm.
We play by English Mahjong Association rules. We are a relaxed group, and new
players are always welcome, including beginners. Mah Jong is like a Chinese version
of Rummy so quite easy to pick up, and the playing tiles are lovely.
Do come and give it a try.
Currently our usual meeting place at Thornbury Baptist Church, Gillingstool is not
available due to refurbishment works, so for the time being we are meeting at
members’ homes.

Everyone is welcome, so if you would like to join us please contact us so that we can
let you know where the next meeting will be.

*** We will not be meeting in August ***

For more information please contact: Jane Climpson by phone or email using the link above