
Thornbury u3a

Creative Writing

Status:Active, open to new members
Doug Easthope Tel: 01453 845257
Group email: Creative Writing group
When: Monthly on Friday mornings
on the last Fridays - 10am to 12 noon
Venue: Contact the Group Leader

Meetings are held on the last Friday of each month. Meetings will be from 10.00am – 12noon.

We meet to exchange short stories which are written for self, and hopefully, group enjoyment. Topics range from the improbable to the factual, and there's always time near the end for a fun 'On the spot exercise'.

Each month there is a different Leader of the session, which helps the range of titles, and wit, drama, verse and originality, share centre stage. There is no tutor, but exchanges of ideas and suggestion, acts as a stimulus.

Literary perfection - perhaps not. Pleasure and sociability - most definitely.

Creative Writing AI

Please contact the Group Leader, Doug Easthope, on the phone number, or by email using the link above .