
Thornbury u3a

Bridge 1

Status:Active, open to new members
Mary Bignell Tel: 416931
Group email: Bridge 1 group
When: Weekly on Tuesday mornings
please arrive by 9:20am ready to start play at 9:30, finishing around 12:15. Tea/coffee/biscuits are provided.
Venue: The Chantry - Slymbridge Room
Cost: The cost is £2.00 per person each time we play.

The Group meets on Tuesday mornings in the Slymbridge Room, The Chantry, 52 Castle Street, Thornbury BS35 1HB. Please arrive by 09:20 to start play at 09:30. We usually play 18 boards with tea/coffee/biscuits provided. We usually finish around 12:15. The cost is £2.00 per person each time we play. There is no membership fee to join the Group. All group members must be a member of Thornbury U3A.

We welcome new players who are familiar with Duplicate Bridge and preferably can come with a partner. However, for those unfamiliar with Bridge, we are now running a course to teach “Bridge for Beginners” and those members that are interested should contact the Group Leader Mary Bignell. Potential new members may then observe our play before joining the group.

Contact: Mary Bignell by phone or by email using the link above