
Thornbury u3a

Book Group 1

Status:Active, full but can join waiting list
Lesley Thomas Tel: 613508 or 07398 136518
Group email: Book Group 1 group
When: Monthly on Friday mornings 10:30 am-12:00 pm
Third Friday
Venue: Straight Mile Cottage

Book Group 1 reads 'modern novels' written from the early 20th century to the present day.

We have recently enjoyed novels written by Irish authors, including John McGahern, Anna Burns and William Trevor. Now we are reading a selection of prize winning novels, starting with Rachel Kushner’s The Mars Room.

The group is now full but if you wish your name to be added to the waiting list please contact:

Book Group 1 AI

Group leader: Chris Perry

Enquiries: to Lesley Thomas by phone or email to the link above