
Thornbury u3a

Travel & Tourism

Status:Active, open to new members
Anne Reed (T&T) Tel: 01454 415849
Deputy Leader:
Group email: Travel & Tourism group
When: Monthly on Friday afternoons 1:45 pm-3:45 pm
on the Second Friday each month from 1.45pm
Venue: Thornbury Methodist Church - Upper Hall

The Group meets in the Methodist Church Upper Hall, Thornbury on the second Friday afternoon each month from 1.45pm.

See our Events list below.

Contact the group leader, Anne Reed by email using the link above if you would like to offer a talk or request information.

Travel & Tourism AI


Forthcoming events

10th January 2025
1:45 pm - 3:45 pm

American National Parks with Norma Bradley

American National Parks - Norma Bradley
Venue: Thornbury Methodist Church - Upper Hall
Cost: £1.00


January 10 American National Parks
Speaker:- Norma Bradley

February 14 Castles to the Cape
Speaker:- Alan Jones

March 14 Ireland Part 1
Speaker:- Mervyn Reed

April 11 Ireland Part 2
Speaker:- Mervyn Reed

May 9 Double Dutch
Speaker:- Trevor Hill

June 13 Cruising to Burgundy with William Shakespeare (As You Like It)
Speaker:- Helen Elliot

July 11 Travelling with Big Dave
Speaker:- Terry Pashley

No meeting in August

September 12 TBC

October 10 TBC
Speaker:- Peter Davey

November 14 TBC

December 12
Christmas celebration