
Thornbury u3a

Mixed Crafts

Status:Active, open to new members
Anne Reed Tel: 415849
Jackie Gitsham (MC) Tel: 858438
Group email: Mixed Crafts group
When: Monthly on Wednesday afternoons
on the Second Wednesday each month from 2pm until 4:00 - Note the venue change in April
Venue: Christ the King Church Hall

As we go into the new year we have a new venue. From April you can find us in the Christ the King Social Club, in Castle Street, Thornbury.

The group meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 2pm - 4pm.

Bring along your project and enjoy an easy going afternoon of crafting and chat.

Members are always willing to exchange and pass on knowledge and skills.

New members welcome.

Contact: Anne Reed by phone or by email using the link button above