
Thornbury u3a

Bird Watching

Status:Active, open to new members
Group email: Bird Watching group
When: Monthly on Mondays
Second Monday of the month, plus a few extras. We meet in Thornbury Leisure Centre car park ready to leave at 9.30am

The group has a programme of visits, on the second Monday of the month, plus a few extras. We meet in Thornbury Leisure Centre car park ready to leave at 09.30hrs. For those who are happy to do so, we share cars and costs travelling to the planned destination. Any changes to this will be notified.

If there is any doubt about the meeting taking place, especially if the weather is poor, please check your email or phone.

U3A members are welcome to this friendly, knowledgeable group. Levels of knowledge are not important but it is good to have enthusiasm and be part of a team. The wearing of suitable clothing and footwear is important. It also helps to have sustenance and binoculars at field meetings. Members are responsible for their own safety and welfare at these meetings. Pre walk information gives an idea of how long a visit, what sort of walking it is and availability or not of toilets, refreshments, and hides.

Any queries email using the link above

For a report of any of the visits find the link below and click on that.

Forthcoming events

9th December 2024


Slimbridge - Led by Carol and Kevin - or Cilla? - Short

Links to reports from visits

2024 Visits Planned

  • Key to Programme duration: s=Short; m=Medium; l=Long_
Jan 8thOldbury on SevernSueshort
Feb 12thForest of DeanCharlesLong
March 11thSnuff MillsEileenshort
March 18thThree Brooks Nature ReserveCarol and Kevinshort
April 8thChew ValleyAlanLong
April 15thCleeve Hill CommonDendyLong
May 13hFrampton on SevernNormanMedium
May 2othNew Ponds at AustDendyshort
June 10thHam WallDendyLong
July 8thDownendCillaMedium
August 12thGoldcliffAlanLong
September 9thHillCillaMedium
October 14thNew PassageEveMedium
October 21stNew PassageCillashort
November 11thSomerset LevelsCharlesLong
December 9thSlimbridgeCillaShort